1-2-1 Tuition 2hr Lesson

  • kitesurfing

  • 8 hrs

  • Up to 2 people
  • house-outline

    Brighton Kitesurf & SUP Academy

  • pin

    Sussex, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • Description

    We can help with anything from riding upwind , improving your stance , turns , jumps , backrolls , forward rolls , kiteloops , waveriding , strapless surf coaching , strapless surf gybes and tacks , transitions , pretty much anything .

    We use BB talkin two way headsets for all our lessons making learning safe and progression fast.

    AIM –we will help you improve your skills and Kitesurf knowledge

    1. We supply all the kit needed for the lessons including really warm winter wetsuits for all our students .

    What to bring , 3mm wetsuit boots ,a towel, sun glasses with a strap, suncream, bottled water, snacks and a bag to transport these items to and from the teaching zone.

    1. Other information : theres ample parking for only £1.50 per day , public toilets and a variety of eateries for snacks and meals within walking distance for spectators .


Online bookings by eola