Book a 1-to-1 tuition (£65) or a private lesson for 2 (£50pp)
If you are new to paddleboarding or have just bought your own and want to further your paddling skills then we are here to help you on your way. Enjoy a private session with an Instructor for you and a friend, or better your technique on your own with a 1-1 tuition. Prices are as follows:
1-to-1 tuition: £65.00
2 people: £50.00pp
What to bring
You will need to plan for all weathers and ultimately expect to get wet! You may or may not fall into the water, but it is always better to be prepared.
Always bring a towel and a spare set of dry clothes and shoes. If you have your own wetsuit then you are welcome to bring it (particularly in the cooler months when the water temperature is a lot lower) or wear clothes suitable for being on the water, i.e., swimsuit, shorts, t-shirt, leggings, gym wear, waterproof, wind-shell jacket, etc. (Avoid denim, thick hoodies or jogging bottoms that will get heavy when wet.) We do have some wetsuits available to hire, but please be aware that this is on a first-come first-serve basis as we have a limited amount, so correct sizes may not be available. Please always bring other suitable clothing to wear as a back-up option.
If you are happy and warm enough in bare feet then that is absolutely fine, but footwear, such as swim shoes or old trainers, can be useful as our launch slipway and river/lake shores are quite rocky underfoot.
Additional items you may like to bring depending on the weather:
- warm hats
- extra layer
- hard shell waterproof to shield from wind/rain
- sun cap
- sun cream
- bottled water
- neoprene booties/gloves
- other items may also be required, although please note items such as sunglasses may be lost if you fall in the water!
Your valuables, such as car keys and phone, will obviously need to be protected, so a waterproof bag/phone case is good to bring along. If you do not have a bag then we will happily look after your items, but all valuables whether kept on land or on board are done so at your own risk.
Drinks and snacks are also a great essential to take with you, especially bottled water on hot days.
Participants will start their session on land with a safety briefing and introduction into paddleboarding demonstrating the basic skills.
When everyone is comfortable and ready to go, we will carry our boards and slowly walk into the shallow water. Here we will get on our boards and practice paddling while kneeling before heading further out along the river to try standing up.
We will slowly paddle out onto the lake introducing more tips & tricks along the way, so that you come back with a smile on your face as we head back down the river to base.