Outdoor Swim Readiness - Online Theory

  • swimming

  • 45 mins

  • Up to 10 people
  • house-outline

    Swim Dan The Merman Argyll

  • pin

    Cairnbaan, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • user-group

    Group discount available

  • Description

    If you can't make it to Argyll this online course is designed to empower and upskill the individual or group for fulfilling and safe outdoor swimming . From risk assessing a variety of open water contexts like the sea and fresh water lochs to useful tips for kit and taking a holistic approach to cold conditioning. If you have friends that would like to join the session online too then the price per person is progressively discounted the more participants there are!

    This course is suitable for beginner wild swimmers or those who have never swam through the seasons before. Equally this course is suitable for those with some outdoor swimming experience and who are looking to develop new skills and perspectives.

    There is also an opportunity during the session for video analysis of stroke if video clips are shared in advance (no more than 30 secs long is fine). Your stroke can be analysed in advance of the session and then offered next steps in terms of technique and open water stroke skills.

    Once a booking has been made a zoom link for the date and time of the session will be sent to you.

    What to bring

    This is an online theory session via zoom



    1. The benefits
    2. The risks
    3. Cold conditioning strategies
    4. Holistic approaches
    5. Breathing
    6. Risk assessing
    7. Kit considerations
    8. What to do before, during and after
    9. Stroke analysis (Optional - if a video clip has been sent)
    10. Questions

Online bookings by eola