July Hire Membership Board and Wetsuit

  • Informações importantes


    For the month of July we will be offering a trial deal for a Hire membership. This deal will be perfect for those wishing to improve their surfing skills and fitness by increasing their water time. Pumping surf, flats seas, what ever the weather!

    There will be two bands for the deal

    BAND A - Surfboard only £60

    BAND B - Surfboard, wetsuit and boots £100

    Days available.

    Wednesday 1-7pm,

    Friday 1-7pm,

    Saturday 9-4pm

    Sunday 10-5pm

    You will be able to use the equipment for 2hours on any of these days throughout the whole month.

    Why are we trialing this...we want to encourage you to get in more. To build your paddle strength, even on those flat days!! Or days you usually wouldn't bother.

    'You only get better when you get wetter!' Nick Noble

    *limited membership numbers available

    *once payment has been made we will issue your subscription card on your first visit to us.

  • Resgatar este passe

    Este passe pode ser resgatado 10 vezes nas atividades listadas abaixo:

    • July Hire Membership
  • £ 100,00