4 Hours Kayaking on the River Ouse

  • kayaking

  • 4 awr

  • Hyd at 16 person
  • house-outline

    Hatt Adventures

  • pin

    Barcombe Mills, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • user-group

    Gostyngiad grŵp ar gael

  • Disgrifiad

    A Fantastic kayaking trip exploring the very diverse section of the

    upper River Ouse. Starting at Barcombe Mills, we will be paddling

    up river to Isfield Weir (also known as Fish Ladder Falls). You will

    be surrounded by stunning landscape and enjoy spending time in

    the great outdoors. The river is lined with trees and fields and you’ll

    be able to spot local wildlife en route including herons, swans,

    Canadian geese, dragonflies, damselflies, and maybe the odd sea

    trout heading up stream to its spawning grounds.

    If you've not kayaked before, do not worry, we will be teaching you

    correct techniques, posture, how to turn, brake and paddle

    backwards, and once all these are mastered we’ll start making our

    way to the Weir, paddling at a pace that suits you.


    18 yrs old min.


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