Monthly DD payment (£115)

  • diving

  • 1 hr

  • Up to 20 people
  • house-outline

    The Quays Swimming & Diving Complex

  • pin

    Southampton, GB

  • ticket-price
    / child
  • Monthly Payment for x3 sessions/week (Sept)


    This is just a collection of your DD payment for September while we transition to Gladstone in November 2024. You will need to this for October too.

    This doesn't change the timings allocated on the Sept squad email.

    This link is for:-

    1. For previous COMP lessons --> into new Squads
    2. For previous TID MAIN --> into new Squads
    3. New Joiners into SDA Sept 24

    You have until 8th Sept to pay, before a follow-up payment is released in October.


Online bookings by eola