River Thames Foreshore clean up

  • other

  • 1 hr

  • Up to 24 people
  • house-outline

    Active 360 Paddleboarding

  • pin

    London, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • ticket-price
    / child
  • Description

    Join us for a beach clean in Kew as part of our first Kew Bridge open day!

    Plastic pollution is increasing year on year in the waterways around London.

    These waterways are a great asset to the city, providing open space, contact with nature, a transport system, a tourist attraction and so much more. Without them London would be a much poorer city – and in fact London owes its very existence to the Thames.

    We will be walking along the foreshore of the river Thames at Strand On the Green picking/collecting any trash (mainly plastic) we can find.

    Find out more about the fight against single use plastic with In the Drink https://inthedrink.org.uk/


    No requirements necessary


    We will be walking along the foreshore of the river Thames at Kew and Strand On the Green collecting any trash (mainly plastic) we can find.


Online bookings by eola