Stage 3 Sailing

  • sailing

  • 2 days

  • Up to 8 people
  • house-outline

    Rye Watersports

  • pin

    Rye, GB

  • calendar

    This is a 2 day activity

  • ticket-price
    / child
  • Description
    1. 2 day course 6 hrs each day
    2. Understand and deal with wind conditions
    3. Capsize recovery
    4. The 5 Essentials
    5. RYA certificate on completion

    Introduction to the ‘five essentials’ tacking and gybing in stronger winds, and helming a boat on your own are covered in this next stage. Course content also includes: rigging, launching, and capsize recovery plus more advanced sailing techniques and manoeuvres.  You should now be able to use your own judgement when dealing with any conditions and have the confidence to take charge if out with a more inexperienced sailor. This course is a big step up from Stage 2 and practice between stages is essential. Our Wednesday sailing club is a perfect way to gain experience.


Online bookings by eola