Inclusive leadership & Paddleability Cse

  • paddleboarding

  • 7 hrs

  • Up to 16 people
  • house-outline

    SUP Active Yorkshire

  • pin

    Richmond, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • Description

    Friday 20th September Inclusive leadership and Paddle UK Paddle-ability module. This covers an introduction to Disability Awareness and ways to make your club, centre and paddlesport sessions more inclusive for individuals living with a disability who want to try paddling or take paddling further. 

    Officially Paddle-ability is a half-day module, but we will be spending a whole day to allow time to play with simple kit adaptions that can transform the accessibility of your club/centre

    As part of this day we will also talk about opportunities to become support coaches and paddlers as part of our iPaddle project.

    Saturday 21st will be an iPadde open day at the lake where we will be opening up  sessions with staff available to help get people on the water in a range of adaptive equipment if required. This is a great way for coaches and paddlers to gain experience at supporting sessions.

    Representatives from organisations and charities are welcome to both days please get in touch by email or phone.

    Coaches and paddlers £15pp to cover water fees and tea coffee and water craft supplied for day (Paddle Uk certification included)

    This counts towards your cpd points if you are a paddle coach.

    Day starts at 9am and finished by 4pm

    What to bring

    Please bring personal paddle equipment for day and warm clothes.

    Note book and pen.

    Packed lunch.

    Tea and Coffee will be supplied for day. We have a range of paddle equipment that can be used on the day.


Online bookings by eola