It is holiday time. Adventure means different things to different people. If you would like to explore the reservoir and its flora and fauna by sail boat, in a kayak or even swimming in it. This week is for you.
If you like figuring out how to steer and control a new craft this week is for you. If you like making new friends and doing team challenges we have some of them for you too. Lots of activities on and off the water. Minimum of 4 students for the course to run. The multiactivity course is designed to allow us to plan the week and make the best of the weather. Windy days for sailing and calm days for paddling. Sunny days for swimming and ropework, foraging and games for wildly windy unpleasant days. A discount for the 2nd child of £30 each and £45 if booking 3 children is applied. Please get in touch if you have any questions?