This session is aimed at adults and teenagers (15 and older).
Paddling works the arms, back, neck and trunk muscles as well as the legs.
The seated position in the kayak is also good for stretching our hamstring muscles. Whether kneeling or standing paddle boarding tests and improves our balance and static strength. This set of sessions are designed to be about warming up, getting afloat and getting some exercise in the fresh air. They are a set so that you feel improvement and progression.
Wetsuit, boots and buoyancy aid provided.
The strength of the wind will dictate which craft is best for the day. A kayak is better in a stronger wind. Please let us know which craft you prefer and why.
If you have your own craft you are welcome to use it.
The blocks will begin and end with some basic tests. Come and join our functional fitness paddling sessions. This session is aimed at adults and teenagers (15 and older).
Single sessions £25 per session,
Block of 5 sessions for £100.
Block of 10 (carnet ticket) sessions for £180.
NB Minimum of 5 participants needed to run session.Got your own boat. Option 1 - pay for storage in our field £200 or annual launch ass £50 per year then £10 per session for paddle for fitness session.