SEND Summer Picnic at Harlow Town Park

  • mixed

  • 2 hrs 30 mins

  • Up to 60 people
  • house-outline

    Roots to Wellbeing

  • pin

    Essex, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • ticket-price
    / child
  • SEND Family Picnic at Harlow Town Park


    We have been able to get some additional funding from Essex County Council (ECC) and Active Essex SEND Summer activities . We have 4 dates in total for these family picnics, as food will be served we ask that you send through any dietary requirements to and we will do our best to cater with hot and cold foods on offer to include Jacket Potatoes with fillings.

    We plan to use the learning centre (indoor spaces) some tents and park area / stage for activities. We cannot predict the weather but will plan both indoor and outdoor activities for the sessions to support you and your child / children. We ask that when you book this would be 1 adult plus child / sibling(s) . However, we understand that in some circumstances that you may need an additional adult


    These sessions are for families with a SEND child or children who qualify for the Healthy Active Families (HAF) scheme with a voucher. You will not need to enter voucher into this booking but we may need this at a later date from you. If you have not received a voucher please let us know

    What to bring

    Weather appropriate clothing and footwear


    Games - Fun Filled Games . We have a small soft play / sensory dampening area in the learning centre and interactive boards made by Simon (fun filled games) as well as activities in the park and food for you and your child / children


Online bookings by eola