A magical, festive fusion of theatre and puppetry bringing the Brothers Grimm story to life for the whole family, accessible for all.
Adults £10, Children (2-12yrs) £6; Under 2s Free
Come one, come all, grab a mince pie, bring the family and join us to witness the magic of the Elves, sing along and pull a cracker or two!
Suitable for all ages - running time: 50 mins plus the opportunity to meet the starts of the show after the performance.
Written in 1806 by the Brother’s Grimm the tale was originally the first and longest story in a series of three fairy tales entitled The Elves. It follows a failing shoemaker at Christmas time, who one morning awakes to discover a perfect pair of shoes, already made, sitting at his work table. Each morning the same mysterious occurrence takes place, helping him make his fortune. A story of hard work rewarded, the perfect treat for a frosty morning or afternoon.
Tickets are non-refundable