Are you ready to increase your surf fitness with this 6 week programme?
Do you want to feel fitter, stronger and more prepared to get out through the white water and surf in on those waves? Do you need to work on your strength, endurance and flexibility? Would you like to do this in the stoked way that we offer at Groundswell Scotland with a group of like minded surf sisters?
Sofa to Surf Fit is our latest offering and has come about after many surf sisters have finished a surf session and said "I just wish I was a bit fitter so I could keep going!!
The Surf Fit programme has been designed by Emma Maguire, Level 3 personal trainer and 12 years service in the Army. We will use Groundswell Scotland facilitation to help you make the most of your time spent in this supportive group of women.
What does it involve?
A 6 week schedule building up essential surf fitness strength each week from carrying the board to the beach, getting through the white water, paddling and then "pop-up" techniques. Each week covers various exercises that will prepare you for surfing!
You will also get access to 5 video workouts filmed by Emma on youTube for you to do between sessions if your feeling keen!
Optional Whatsapp group to encourage and motivate each other throughout the block.
Sunday 8th Sept 2024
Sunday 22nd Sept 2024
Sunday 6th Oct 2024
- Belhaven Bay, Shore Road.
1530 - 1700
We will open the space with our Groundswell Groundings, a mindfulness exercise and invite everyone to introduce themselves and their intention for the programme. Then we will go through effective warm ups and a 30 minute work out on the beach followed by a cool down and an optional dip in the sea!
Sunday 15th Sept 2024
Sunday 29th Sept 2024
Sunday 13th Oct 2024
- Online Zoom
1600 - 1700
We will meet online to run through our Groundswell groundings, set intentions, have a check in and get into a workout! No equipment needed, just enough space to move.
A surf session is available at the end of this block for you to feel the benefits of all your hard work but most importantly to have fun!
This is booked separately once the course has begun at a cost of £60* hire equipment is available.
It will be at Pease Bay with warm drinks provided from our Groundswell caravan.
*Please just let us know if you need help with costs as we don't want cost to be a barrier and always have ways of finding funding*
If you have any medical conditions please make sure you have the go ahead from your GP to undertake this exercise programme.
Any level of fitness welcome! All exercises will be adaptable.
What to bring
Comfy exercise clothes, warm layers (and hat, gloves), water bottle, snacks, towel.
Change of clothes, towel and warm drink for after dip.
Waves of love from Emma