Forest School Home Education Group for 6-13 year olds
Branching Out's 'Wild Learners' Forest School sessions are carefully tailored for our 6-12 year old learners with a focus on holistic learning.
This will be achieved through hands-on play, curiosity and discovery in the natural environment, tool use, and using natural resources for creative outlets - all taking place at our privately owned semi-ancient woodland near Bucknell, Shropshire. Ultimately, we will encourage children to explore the natural environment, develop their sense of curiosity and foster new friendships.
Each session will include:
- Morning Fire Circle time
- Wilding Game
- Learning theme for the day
- Woodland craft
- Free play
- Campfire
- Hot lunch
- Green woodworking/developing tool skills
- Nature Story/Songs
We will meet in the designated parking area in the morning and will walk the short walk to the woods together. The Forest School Leader will introduce and lead the themed activity for the day and the woodland craft (inviting parents to partake, borrow ideas from one another and be inspired for future home learning sessions). However, much emphasis of Forest School is placed on child-led play and free-play, and this will be encouraged during the Wild Learning sessions by having different 'stations' set up where children are free to roam and can guide their own learning and curiosity throughout the day with assistance from their accompanying parent/guardian, and the present Forest School Leader, should they wish.
Examples of stations include:
- Scramble net
- Hammock
- Snuggle swing
- ’Acrobat’ rings
- Slack line
- Den/Shelter building
- Mud kitchen with Serving hatch & Dining area
- Creepy Crawly & Natural World exploring kit
- Reading corner with supply of nature-themed books
- Colouring/Scavenger hunt resources
- Scramble net and Climbing Areas
The Forest School Leader will invite the children to partake in lighting the fire, developing their practical skills to develop self-confidence and self-esteem. We will then cook a healthy, hot lunch during each session for the children to encourage self-reliance and self-responsibility.
These sessions are intended to compliment your child's learning at home, offering the opportunity for similar minds to come together to build new friendships in a positive, green environment, while emphasising the belief that learning should be a fun and natural process for young minds, and that the natural environment provides the optimum environment for this learning to take place.
Younger/older siblings may come if childcare is an issue for families. Please note that the sessions are tailored to the 6-13 year age bracket (if slightly older or younger siblings would like to sign up to sessions they certainly may, at parent’s discretion and choice), and parents/carers will need to be solely responsible for any unregistered siblings. We would also encourage younger siblings attending to be a last resort for families so parents can assist in 1:1 learning where possible, especially in extended skill-developing activities such as tool use and other practical hands-on skill developing activities. There is an option of siblings joining in having a hot lunch for an additional £2.50.
These Wild Learner sessions will take place every 2 weeks starting 10th April 2025. The dates for this block of Wild Learning sessions are:
-10th April
-24th April
-8th May
-22nd May
You have the option to book the necessary amount of add-on younger sibling lunches at £2.50 per child here too. Please get in touch if you have any issues with bookings.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations will incur a £1.50 p/head fee to cover booking platform costs.
-Cancellations made with more 48 hours notice will be given a full refund (minus cancellation fee).
-Cancellations made with 24-48 hours notice will be given a 50% refund (minus cancellation fee).
-Cancellations made with less than 24 hours notice will not be entitled to a refund.
What to bring