The Blue Gym

  • mixed

  • 1 hr

  • Up to 16 people
  • house-outline

    Surf Sanctuary

  • pin

    Newquay, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • ticket-price
    / child
  • Description
    1. £30pp (includes wetsuit, handplane or bodyboard hire)
    2. 1hr session
    3. 8am daily through high-summer
    4. Ages 16 upwards
    5. No experience necessary
    6. Qualified lifeguard Surf Sanctuary guides

    The perfect trinity for wellbeing is moving your body, in the natural environment, with other people. Just as nature intented. And dare we say it, Blue Gym sessions on Fistral Beach with Surf Sanctuary are a pretty good expression of the trinity. 

    It doesn't matter if you surf or not, as long as you satifsfy our medical decleration you can join our daily Blue Gym sessions.

    We'll meet at 8am, you can borrow a wetsuit if it's a bit overcast. We'll head down to the beach to begin a mental inventory to bring awareness without judgement of how we're feeling. Then while practising some gentle breathwork, let our focus settle on the natural sites, sounds, smells and sensations by the edge of the ocean. 

    Now that we are mentally present we move through a sequence of mobilisations to shift the blood into the muscles and bring the body into a state of readiness before a surf dash. 

    One of the best feelings on earth is running through the shallows of a pristine ocean and feeling the cool spray hitting your skin. You can stay ankle depth or go in above your knees for a real challenge. 

    The summer surf awaits so we'll show you the porpoise die and how to body surf back in. By now the skin feels alive with the steep temperature gradient between summer air and cool sea. 

    We finish with the Polynesian lifeguard carry. It's just as brilliant as it sounds and ensures that we've worked all of the body's energy systems. 

    You can put as much effort into the Blue Gym as you like. Maybe you want to really blast away the cobwebs and feel your heart thumping. Maybe you just want to move to feel relaxed for the rest of the morning. This is a most effective medicine and whether you dose daily or just once a week, the benefits are immediate and long lasting. 

    For the rest of the day you can enjoy the shift towards the parasympathetic nervous system and awareness that you've done something nice for yourself. 


    Please read our medical guidance before undertaking any activities at Surf Sanctuary.

    What to bring

    A towel, swimwear for under a wetsuit or shorts and t-shirt that you don't mind getting wet.


    Have a one-hour mind and body workout on the beach and in the shallow surf and be back in time for last breakfast orders.

    Detailed itinerary is in the activity description.


Online bookings by eola