NWSC - Christmas Party

  • skiing

  • 4 hrs

  • Up to 70 people
  • house-outline

    North Wales Snowsports Club

  • pin

    Llandudno, GB

  • ticket-price
    / adult
  • ticket-price
    / child
  • Our Christmas Party will follow on directly from our club Championships, with Food & Live Music!


    Saturday Dec 9th is the date for this years Club Christmas Party.

    The party will be in the bar at the Llandudno slope & the evening will include Live Music, and Buffet Food, served from 7pm, bar closes at 11pm

    Entry for the evening for the party and food is:

    Kids price £12.50

    Adults price £15

    Places are limited so be sure to book early.



    If you are not currently a member of the NWSC then you can join or renew via our website - Join the Club | North Wales Snowsports

    Membership is annual and runs from October to October. The rates are £20 for the first family of household member, and then £7.50 for each subsequent family or household member.

    Further Enquiries

    You can visit our website for more information on the Club (North Wales Snowsports), and Like/Follow our Facebook page for updates on sessions North Wales Snowsports Club | Facebook, where you can also message us direct.


    To book in advance, and follow any up to date COVID guidelines.

    What to bring

    Attendees should bring proof of booking to ensure entry.


    Entry to the event will be from 7pm, with Live music and food thereafter. The evening is scheduled to finish at around 11pm.


Online bookings by eola